

Mission team infrastructure:

  • Development of a technical architecture model for media offerings of the future and provision of the components required for this purpose
  • Identification of the status quo. Goal: Overview of tools / components / standards
  • Development and provision of the missing components: Tools / standards / components etc.

Key Message

Open access to all required standard components and interfaces is ensured by the BPI.

Key questions

  • How can a competitive technical infrastructure be ensured?
  • What components does the infrastructure need? 
  • How do the components talk/work together? Modularity?
  • What is the minimum that the solutions must provide? 
  • How are providers being paid?
  • How is it ensured that open source components are not only developed but also maintained?

BPI Technology Canvas

  • How can a competitive technical infrastructure be ensured?
  • What components does the infrastructure need? 
  • How do the components talk/work together? Modularity?
  • What is the minimum that the solutions must provide? 
  • How are providers being paid?
  • How is it ensured that open source components are not only developed but also maintained?


The challenge for the coming weeks and months is therefore to get everyone involved “on the same page” on an ongoing basis, to synchronize the various topics continuously in order to ensure that the goals and content of the respective BPI layers are aligned with technological and infrastructural topics. The BPI Congress has been and continues to be an important driver in this regard. The deepening and detailing of the technology and infrastructure topics must and will build on this.

Initial “highlights” include topics such as “configuring and describing editorial norms to set up and manage algorithms” (VALUES Layer), exploring how to design “secure, decentralized, user-centric, and personal data stores” (EXPERIENCE Layer), “algorithmic functions can be linked to public value issues” (CONTENT Layer), or to explore whether “blockchain-based technologies can enable different and more direct exploitation and distribution models compared to current value creation models” (BUSINESS MODELS Layer). 

Many other topics and aspects were discussed and detailed in the both workshops. An overview can be found in the two charts below. These will serve as a basis to continue the discussions and deepening in the coming weeks and months within the BPI network.


  • further elaboration & refinement of the architecture model(s) incl. best practices. for APIs, interfaces, protocols etc.
  • Market research on the availability of adequate, open source tools & components and potential technology partners
  • Definition of the basic technical components provided by the BPI (e.g. Player. Search tools, recommendation engines, etc. 
  • Creating a “Minimum-Viable-Product” (MVP)
  • Establishment of a “Technical Board” for the further elaboration of the content and monitoring of the BPI

Click here for the Miro Board

contact person

Kemal Görgülü