

In order to create an experience, it is first necessary to define the context in which people come into contact with this experience. In a world beyond platforms, this question is not entirely trivial, since there is not necessarily a place for this experience. Therefore, the first step is to define where the BPI comes into play.


BPI is not a media library or a platform. Beyond is an experience

We are discussing three layers of how users can experience Beyond and where an experience can work.

  1. Firstly, the experience can make it clear to users that they are currently consuming BPI content. Especially for networks with different access to content, but also when it comes to standards, it is important to make the experience tangible on the content level. Models can be labels like “organic” or standards like “Dolby Digital”. In this case, we are talking about the awareness layer: it is about making users aware that they are in the Beyond ecosystem.
  2. Secondly, there are open source and decentralized solutions (DApps, blockchains, etc.), but they often lead to major challenges in application. The solutions are only supposedly simple and as soon as it comes to concrete doing, complexities emerge that cannot be mastered without in-depth expertise. This is where Beyond can provide an experience layer that makes these solutions accessible.
  3. Thirdly, it is important to simplify the awareness of data and the handling of – above all – user data. Currently, data is in fact accessible (Google Takeout, etc.) but practically unusable because the tools and use cases for the data are missing. Here, the BPI can create a tool layer that enables and simplifies the self-determined handling of data. This results in visibility and control for users over their data.    

Experience building blocks and their dimensions

The BPI can start at these three points and work on an experience that takes us into a world beyond the platforms. However, the experience still lacks a framework. This can be provided by principles. In order to get closer to these principles, we have collected building blocks that characterize a BPI experience or have no place in the BPI experience. This (loose) list follows the principle: “What could be better?”:

What could be better about the BPI experience?

In workshops, principles were formulated on the dimensions “More of it …” and “Less of it …”. Experience principles were formulated that can help to reshape experiences for users. In order to force the positive character, here are the building blocks from the collection “More of it …”:

  • Bringing people back together over content.
  • Help people achieve their goals as effectively as possible
  • Enable different perspectives and allow for more than one answer.
  • Consciously set time limits and allow for breaks.
  • Be able to explore and discover. Not just predesigned paths.
  • Promote adaptive user interfaces and context sensitivity.
  • Serve/fulfill basic and long-term values and needs
  • Show consequences and create friction and use effort consciously. (friction generates heat)
  • Take externalities into account and make them transparent.
  • Optimize for impact and thinking and understanding
  • Promote effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.
  • My Crowd”: “Take along” the community via various offers. Take along” the community via various offers, thereby promoting real, personal exchange.
  • More room for coincidence. It is suggested a “fake” accuracy but much more broad allowed and enabled.

This list is neither complete nor final. Rather, it is the starting point from which we can continue to work and pick out individual blocks and look at them more deeply, as well as add additional blocks.

How does the experience stand out?

The goal is to create fact sheets for the different experience blocks that will help us all follow and act on these principles.

Bringing people together again via "content"/strengthening common ground

Using the example of “bringing people back together via “content”/strengthening common ground”, the workshop developed some approaches on how the BPI can enable this experience. In this way, the BPI can:

  • Create context
  • Make more dimensions / attitudes visible / tangible (Not only black / white, Include feelings, What bothers me exactly … Feedback)
  • Besides the simple ” this is content”, there must be an additional level: Users inside must be able to behave/express themselves to a content

For example, BPI could ensure that four data pots are available in the ecosystem:

  • Content metadata as the basis for everything provided and controlled by the providers (according to defined standards)
  • User data (profiles) provided and controlled by the users (according to defined standards with the help of the tool layer)
  • User data provided/enabled by the platforms and controlled by the users (according to defined standards with the help of the tool layer)
  • Interaction data (moods of use, approval, disapproval, etc.) on content provided by users and aggregated together with metadata as an information layer on top of the content.

What's next for the Experience in the BPI?

Beyond Platforms is not a single product or a stand-alone platform, but a network and ecosystem in which a wide variety of players can operate. This means that Beyond operates on a different level than the classic platforms, but Beyond must still compete with them, because on a purely idealistic level: Beyond is theoretically “better” no alternative arises. Ultimately, Beyond will only be successful if the experience and each individual player is competitive.

The natural dilemma of a network and a distributed infrastructure lies in the lack of control, in the lack of consistency and in the often missing integration of the individual components. This is the point to start at. Because the supposed disadvantage can also be an enormous advantage. There are more perspectives per se, more diversity, more than one solution. Our assumption even goes so far as to say that the Beyond Experience will make the difference in the end, not in the sense of a highly optimized flow but rather as a red thread that runs through everything, similar to a quality standard, for example, analogous to the organic seal, that helps users in their decisions.

On the basis of the content we have worked on here, it is important to go into both width and depth. To this end, we will continue to pursue both in regular sessions starting in 2022. In “What could be better …?” sessions, we will challenge the Experience blocks and develop further blocks. In block deep-dive sessions, we will then elaborate the most promising blocks further and further to arrive at the profiles. In this way, the blocks will be defined, concretized and finally illustrated.

Hier gehts zum Experience Miro Board

Core questions of the topic

Based precisely on this diversity and challenge, many questions arise that need to be addressed on this layer of the BPI:

  • What must a Beyond Experience deliver?
    • How can we bring together all the different providers, content and infrastructure to create experiences instead of ending up in a tangle?
  • What makes the Experience stand out and how does it differ from the others?
    • How can the experience create demand and keep users and providers coming back and telling others about it?
  • How can Beyond communicate the Experience?
    • How can different accesses be guaranteed and served? How can the Experience serve and include different providers? 

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Bertram Gugel